Monday, August 09, 2004


A few weeks ago, Kelly, Lee and I were discussing residential parking stickers because we're in an area that requires that. Lee said he would look into obtaining stickers for everyone in the house and was counting how many that would mean that he would need. Without even thinking about it, he came up with five. That means that he included me. That made me incredibly joyous, especially since I've felt this weird sense of displacement in my life lately. Thanks, Lee!


Yesterday I went out to my dad's for a little family get-together - the last one before I leave for Virginia. It was so great to be around my family, just knowing that they're supporting me each step of the way. My mom, her mom and the kids were also there, which is awesome. I love it that my whole family gets along!


The plans for relocation continue, as does the countdown. Five days. Five days and still so much to do...

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