Tuesday, August 24, 2004


I just wanted to bring your attention to a great web site called Clothing of the American Mind. Rather than telling you why to check it out, I'll simply allow you to read their mission statement:

"Clothing of the American Mind was created in response to the vast unyielding moneymaking machine of the current administration and the alternative idea vacuum that has sadly become the order of the day. We believe there is a dire need to raise money for democratic change and to articulate and advance dissenting views of what's really going on out there. We are committed to holding this administration accountable for their transgressions and indignant self-righteousness. The time has come to stop standing silently by as Cheney, Condee, Rummy, and the rest of W's motley crew chastise us for not blindly buying into their versions of the truth.

"Our shirts are an opportunity to stylishly voice our outrage over the hubristic policies of this self-serving regime. We want our t-shirts to provide an opportunity for real discussion of the real issues. To raise the level of discourse and to reframe a dialogue that has been manhandled by Republicans and this President. We want to keep words and ideas in the vernacular, not suppressed to further the cause of these gluttonous Neocons and their corporate sponsors.

"All net proceeds from our shirts will go toward reputable organizations that are committed to the advancement of progressive political causes, and for pitching George W. Bush and his diabolical posse out of the ballpark."

In case you're wondering, I do have one of their shirts and it is super cool. It's pro-choice, which is also super cool.

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