Thursday, September 16, 2004


I got a job. It's with a company that does private tutoring and it's something that may actually provide me with some teaching opportunities. This should prove to be a very good thing.

I babysat today. She told me he was a year old, but I don't believe her. I don't believe her because he doesn't do things that a year old child should do, for one, and for two, I believe I remember hearing her say that he was born in November. This kid freaks out if he's left alone in the room, he doesn't walk, doesn't stand, doesn't crawl and is barely scooting. He doesn't even sit upright when I'm holding him. He's a very well behaved baby, but I'm afraid he has too much continual exposure to the television from his chair or swing. The kid can't even clap. By the time I'm done with him, he'll be sprinting through marathons, doing long division and speaking Chinese, just you watch.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.