Wednesday, June 30, 2004

What I Do Not Like About...

I think that it is important for people to think critically about things in their life. Included in this are things you like and things you don't like. It is quite ridiculous in my opnion to just say that you like or don't like something without an actual, thought out reason for it. And so, I shall begin a mini-series simply to let people know that I do not like arbitrary things for arbitrary reasons.

What I Do Not Like About...
Bars of soap.

* If you are wearing rings when you wash with a bar of soap, little pieces of soap get stuck under your rings.

* If someone washes with a bar of soap when they have really dirty or oily hands (like they've been working outside or on a car) they will undoubtedly leave a dirty, black film on the bar.

* It is so easy so drop it while you're trying to wash. And since your hands are already slippery with soapiness, it is even harder to pick up the soap bar and to hold on to it afterwards.

* It always leaves a nasty film in the soap dish or side of the sink where it sits awaiting its next time to be used.

* It hurts when you drop them accidentally on your foot. Particularly in the shower. Particularly when you aren't expecting it. Particularly when you have problems picking it up again...(already stated problems here)

* If you want to move the bar of soap so that it is not cluttering up the side of your sink you must be cautious not to touch it if it is freshly used because then it is slimy and gross.

And so I propose the eternal use of liquid soap from a handy dispenser.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.