Friday, June 04, 2004


Since the culmination of school, I have been doing whatever I want, time-wise. Really. Now I do not go to school and I do not have a job, so therefore I do not have any responsibilities to time and other people's schedules, which is nice. The only time I have to concern myself with others' schedules is when my friends or family say things like "Hey, can you be [place] at [time]?" To which, I reply with an emphatic "Yes" because I have nothing else to do.

Now as awesome as it is and as little as I actually want a job right now, I have noticed myself going insane at times when I don't have anything to do except sit at home and crochet or something. I do enjoy that, but not all day for four days in a row. I've spent so much time being super busy all the time that when I am at the opposite end of the busy-spectrum I find myself scrapping to fill time while still being intellectually stimulating on some (at least minorly) significant level.

On a side note, yet still semi-related, Kelly comes home tomorrow. I am looking forward to this like a kid looks forward to Christmas when he KNOWS he'll be getting a brand new bike in addition to socks from Grandma. OK, so kids rarely get excited about socks from anyone, but I'm sure you get the point. I've been counting the days and just hoping that they pass without me noticing. He told me that he would probably be coming home in the afternoon. I told him that was unacceptable and unfair because he left here around sunrise two weeks ago. He told me he would talk to his CO about that and express our concern. I told him it was more than a concern, that it was a down right complaint. I told him that if his CO had any problems with my alteration of their flight schedule, he could just give me a call. Kelly's only real response was copious laughter. I love hearing him laugh. I can't wait to hear him laugh in person again...

OK, I'm saving the sappiness for another little project which I cannot mention here yet for reasons of secrecy. The truth of the matter is, I am a secret agent. This just means I report to a man in a dimly lit office and I wear sun glasses and a trench coat year-round. Occasionally, I go in cognito. In which case, I cannot tell you how I dress because then it wouldn't be very cognito, now, would it?

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.