Saturday, January 15, 2005

The Plague

I've been down lately. Not down as in depressed. Not even down as in a horse. (That has been put down...) No, I've been down as in my whole body refused to get up. The last two days have been a haze of sleeping, crying, aching and trying to regulate my body temperature. I was crying because that's what I do when I get really sick. I get sensitive and emotional. A lot of people get angry and obstinate. Not me. No, sir. I was trying to take of my shoes, for instance, on Thursday night, which was the day all this hit me, but I didn't have the strength to. So Kelly took them off for me. Then I started crying because I couldn't take off my own shoes. I'm pretty sure he was trying not to laugh at me at that point, which is understandable because that's kind of a funny thing to get so distraught over. I think my fever finally broke last night, which is super cool because today I'm not flying through hot/cold extremes. I can also walk from one end of the house to the other today without getting completely exhausted, which is nice since we don't have that big of a house. Yeah, and the fact that walking from the living room to the bathroom would wear me out would make me cry too. I tell you, I was a mess. But ah, I've just eaten some applesauce and I'm actually sitting up, so the day is looking better.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.