Thursday, January 20, 2005

Mes Copains

Monday night, Kelly and I went to Krista's sister's house for supper. Krista was the first friend I'd seen since being home. It seems odd to me that it has been such a long time that I've been waiting to see friends, but there's really been a lot going on - for me and for them. But I really guess it just depends on where the effort is. For instance, I have already seen most of Kelly's good friends since I've been back and I've already seen Jana, who actually lives in Colorado (so I suppose Krista isn't the first, just the first who lives here). Krista and I have tried to get together before this week, but it just hasn't worked out. Kathy and I have tried as well, but that has also bummed. Someone thought it was a good idea to get sick. Oh, wait, that was me and it wasn't fun. Right. Well, we're hanging out tomorrow. Oh, and note to self, I need to call Karlene; I want to snowshoe with her this year! You know, I spent a lot of time while I was dating wondering and worrying about why someone was or wasn't calling me back. Usually why they weren't. And eventually I decided that it wasn't my fault or my problem, but that I just wasn't a priority to that person. The same applies to this, I suppose. The friends who have called me are the ones who are excited that I'm back home and who want to include me in their lives again. And I love that. I just wish I didn't have so many good friends who live out of state...Colorado...Florida...Virginia...California...It makes it difficult to see them often. But even still, I'm in better touch with them than I am with some people I used to be close to here. Oh well. I've tried, I've called, I've emailed. Now I guess I'll just see.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.