Tuesday, October 19, 2004

My To Do List

I don't mean to brag, but, um, I'm going to.

I wrote a "To Do" list today and here's what it contained:

aerobics at 6:20
email Jenny
send mail
buy new black tennis shoes for work
balance checkbook
read and respond for group
write techniques response
start reading for Monday
look over menu
look in VA book for activities
call health clinic
buy soap
buy tampons

And now, at the end of my day, here are the only things that remain on my list:

start reading for Monday
look over menu
look in VA book for activities
call health clinic

Now, I did not call the health clinic for a very good reason and that is because I had to get some things in order before calling them, so I plan to call them in the morning. I did not look for VA activities, but I did get my book out and flip through it to see how it is organized. Plus, I don't really need to have anything picked out of there for another two weeks at least. I don't feel bad about not reading for Monday since today is only Wednesday. And I'm getting ready to read over the menu for work tomorrow right now!

I feel so accomplished!

Oh, and by the way...I promise to start writing about interesting things - perhaps even things of substance - soon...Instead of the ho-hum bland things of my day-to-day existence, such as my "To Do" list.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.