Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm Bored And Need Some Entertainment

Well, I'm not really bored and I have plenty to do, but that was Bethany's subject line in the email she sent me with this survey-type thing in it. I've seen lots of other people do these on their blogs so I decided to be cool like them. Besides, on the question of whom is the least likely to respond to this, she said that she didn't think I would. And she's right; I never do stuff like this. I've found that I'll do it out of spite, however, if someone thinks I won't. Hence, this post.

1. Time now: 8:11 a.m.
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: A M J
3. Nicknames: Quite a few people call me A--. I fought forever on the spelling of that to include the "e" that naturally follows the "g" in my name, but to no avail. Finally I just gave up and went with the masses. My siblings and friends from high school are the primary groups that call me A----. My parents used to call me A----bear and still do on rare occasions and my dad calls me Runt with the same frequency.
4. Piercings: Yup, a bunch. I took out my eyebrow a couple months ago when I started that horrid affair as a waitress and took out my nosering a couple weeks ago when I decided I looked better without it. And the myriad ear piercings have been coming out, too. Seven in one ear and four in the other, I think. Altogether something like 14 additional holes in my body.
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? I saw that one about the plane crash with Kathy...What is it called?...Oh, yea, something like "Flight of the Phoenix." It was all right. It was your predictable human survival story.
6. Eye color: Brown
7. Place of birth: Boise, ID
8. Favorite food: So many wonderful foods! Why pick just one?!?
9. Ever been to Africa: No, but I almost did a couple summers ago. It just didn't work out. I would still like to eventually, though. There's one country in Africa that isn't so tourist-destination-like, but has a really cool name that would be fun to have in a passport. Djibouti. The last time I scoped out their political scene, though, the country was involved in wars of sorts and everyone was starving. This isn't the place to go for a tropical getaway.
10. Ever been toilet papering: Once. In eighth grade. It was my friend Alisha's idea. A couple of us were staying the night at her house and they couldn't believe I'd never done it. So we randomly assailed one of her neighbor's houses down the street in the middle of the night. I remember thinking it was incredibly lame. The coolest part for me was that it was in the middle of the night of a winter month and we were outside in lightweight pajamas and not cold at all. It was southern California.
11. Love someone so much it made you cry: Yea. Cried just last night, actually.
12. Been in a car accident: Yes, and it was an awful experience that I never wish to repeat.
13. Croutons or bacon bits: I'm not really a fan of bacon on my salad, but I sure love croutons. But salad is good without either, also.
14. Favorite day of the week: I don't really have one. They're all just days. Time is fluid. You can be fixed on a time or be looking forward to a moment, but once it comes it's gone again just as fast.
15. Favorite restaurants: There are a ton of restaurants I love to eat at. I don't think I could pick just a couple. I love eating out in general, honestly.
16. Favorite sport to watch: Hands-down I love watching people dance. Ballet, hip hop, modern, square dancing. It doesn't matter all that much to me. I love it all.
17. Favorite drink: Usually I'm drinking water, although since it has gotten colder I've been drinking copious amounts of tea, also. I am a huge wine fan, but lately I've been pulled (as far as cocktails go, anyway) toward tequila drinks like margaritas.
18. Ice cream: Yes please. Anything without cherries.
19. Disney or Warner Brothers: Warner Brothers. I'll take a transvestite rabbit over a bumbling mouse any day.
20. Favorite fast food restaurant: I don't eat a lot of fast food. Actually, it's really rare.
21. What color is your bedroom carpet: Off white with mild flecks of brown.
20. How many times did you fail your drivers license? Never.
21. From whom did you get your last email: No clue. It was yesterday and a seemingly insignificant detail that I did not lock in my memory to hold dear forever.
24. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: I could say Express but they don't have shoes. That would mean I'd have to save room on my alleged credit card to buy shoes somewhere else. Or perhaps Bed Bath & Beyond so I could buy stuff for my house. Since I have a credit card I can max out I'll have to hide it from K, otherwise he'll take it to Home Depot and come back with a bunch of stuff I won't use.
25. What do you do most often do when you are bored: Knit or clean.
26. Bedtime: I like to be in bed by 11, but sometimes that's difficult when you consider that I have to coordinate that with when K wants to go to bed. Lately, though, that has been the time we've turned out the lights. It makes getting up in the morning so much easier.
I omitted 27 and 28 because they were the obligatory questions about who will or will not respond to this. First of all, it isn't an email and second of all, I don't care. And 29 was stupid. I just killed a huge spider next to me on the couch.
30. Favorite TV shows: I never watch television.
31. Last person you went to dinner with: K.
32. Ford or chevy? Neither. I like German cars.
33. What are you listening to right now? Nothing. The sound of the heater vent, I guess.
34. What is your favorite COLOR? Why is "color" in all caps? I thought about changing it, but decided to let the writer of this survey look stupid instead. I don't really have a favorite color. It depends on what I'm selecting colors for.
35. Lake, Ocean or river: Ocean, baby.
36. How many tattoos do you have: None.
37. Which came first? God or evolution? I don't believe in "God" and I think Adam and Eve are myths as much as Zues and Hera are myths. I don't know how we came to be here on this earth any more clearly than the next hominid.
38. Time you finished this: 8:44 a.m.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.