Friday, July 30, 2004

Tales From The...Karaoke Bar

Yes, it is true. I visited a karaoke bar last night. Bethany and her friends go there all the time and although I wasn't excited to attend, I figured that since I'm in Rome I may as well. Or...Venice...

We went with a bunch of her and Brya's friends and from what I can tell so far, they're all really cool people. Bethany and I decided that since we'd known each other for five years and had never before been drunk together that we would get drunk last night together. Whenever I mentioned to people that I was from Boise, they inevitably asked me about the blue turf at BSU. Yes, it is true. There is a blue turf at Boise State. I was kind of like a novelty conversation item in that regard.

The evening was rather uneventful. There was a guy there who looked like Chris Kataan doing a Sting impression. Kinda cool, but at the same time kinda creepy. There was one girl in a red tank top who could really sing. And another one in a white shirt who really couldn't. There was guy named Tobin who was all punked out 80s style. Spiked hair, slashed jeans, Def Leopard shirt...the whole works. The ensemble was complimented with a mass of piercings. And there was Brayton, a friend of Bethany's who kept telling me all these cool places to go while I'm here. I talked with some guy named William about teaching and tattoos for a little while. He thought it was a good idea before he left to ask me to have sex with him. I stared at him with a rather appalled and disgusted expression and told him no before leaving the table altogether, which surprised him. Evidently, he thought it was a good idea.

Bethany went home about that time because she was tired, but I stayed and played with Brya and her friends Jen and Louise. I didn't really talk with Jen much but she seemed really nice. She talked a little bit about how she had gotten married at 18 and had a huge, fairytale wedding and then was divorced a few years later. That's really all I remember about her. I talked to Louise a little bit more. She's from England and although she seemed a few years older than me, she is only a few months older than me. I wish she lived near me because I would love to hang out with her all the time. The four of us went across the street to another bar, the name of which no one knows how to pronounce correctly. I sat talking to this guy Phil for a little while about Boise because he wanted to know more about the fabled blue turf (honest to god). I found a piece of a napkin with his number on it in my pocket this morning so I threw it away. I was doing nothing to make him think that I would have any interest in seeing him again. In fact, when he asked me about getting together again next weekend I denied him quite flatly. I failed to mention that it was because I don't live here; I just told him that it was because I didn't want to and that I had no interest in seeing him again. Then some older guy who didn't speak very good English came over and was telling me what a beautiful Latina I am and kept trying to touch my beautiful Latina face. I didn't even try to tell him that I'm not Latina.

Then Brya thought she would be a doll and rescue me from them by taking me to the smallest, sketchiest bathroom in the world, where she insisted I go into the stall with her and hand her toilet paper. Then she yelled at me because I wasn't giving her enough. By that time the bar was closing so the four of us girls went to this fella Eric's house, where we found him sleeping. Brya spent quite a while trying to find a picture of him with his good friend whose name I don't remember but he played Christian in the movie Clueless. I liked his furniture so I investigated freely while he and Brya made out for a while. All I know about him is that he's 42, Brya thinks he's extremely hot, and he has no drivers license because he got a DUI. Eventually we left there and came home, where I was very happy to be because I was extremely tired.

Huh. I was only going to mention the first place and the people there, but that's all right. Now you know more of the story. There is still a little more detail-wise. You just have to speak to me in person if you want...the rest of the story.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.