Saturday, August 06, 2005

Lots To Cover

* I feel compelled to plug for Mandy again. If you missed my previous post about this, she's running a marathon for pledges for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Evidently, if she doesn't have 25% of her pledges in by August 16, they'll take that chunk out of her credit card. This is a great cause for a great girl and every dollar counts toward her end goal. If you want more information on the program or on her training schedule, HERE is a link to her blog. If you would like to donate to her campaign on line, click HERE.

* If I were to add up all the time I've spent with individuals in my life over the past week I would find that the person I've spent the most time with is JP, one of my coworkers. I like him a lot and he's great to work with, but Kelly usually wins that contest and I don't like him being usurped. Thank goodness he returns to me tomorrow.

* I watched a cartoon the other night about a skunk. This skunk only wanted to find love. He had a good heart and was nice to the girls of the forest, but when they found out he was a skunk they ran away. Often times they ran when he had his back turned to pick flowers or had his head bowed to kiss their hands. When he would look back for the girl, she would be gone without a trace. So the skunk paints himself to look like a fox. He finds a girl fox and they traipse through the forest contentedly. At one point they cross a log bridge, slip and fall into the water. One of them surfaces and you see paint wash off to reveal a skunk. Then the other surfaces and, like the first love-struck creature, you see paint wash off to reveal a skunk. I think this is a metaphor for my dating/love life. It touched me.

* There are so many books I want to read, but somehow I don't seem to have the time to read them. How is this possible? What do I do that doesn't involve reading? It's depressing, really.

* I think Radley has some major psychiatric disorders. I know he doesn't cope well with change and he could most likely be diagnosed with separation anxiety. Lately I have started to wonder about self-esteem issues. I heard on NPR recently that children who don't feel a sense of reliable security from their parents can develop low self-esteem issues. With the amoun that we have been gone - especially when we first adopted him and also this summer - I can see that being a problem for our sensitive boy. Currently he's walking around the house whining. I think he really misses Kelly. He's already decimated one pair of Kelly's underwear and two socks.

* Lately at work I've been working with the two new guys. They're both awesome and we're becoming pretty good friends. Not the point. The point is that they are new. I'm not. Therefore, they ask me a lot of questions and depend on me to teach them how to do things. This is great for my work ego. It makes me feel established and knowledgeable.

* I like Gwen Stefani's new song (I think it's called) "I know we're cool," but it makes me a little nauseous to listen to it. Not sure why...Maybe it makes me remember or at least think about something unpleasant in my own life.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.