Sunday, November 14, 2004

Birthday Fun

I just realized that I didn't mention any of the fun stuff Kelly and I did while he was here. Well, I had told him that the entire time he was in Virginia it was to be considered his birthday, so I told him "Happy Birthday" as much as I possibly could.

Thursday we went shopping for new panties for me to wear and him to appreciate. (Sorry for that one Dad, I couldn't help but throw it in there just for you.) Then he took Hannah to the Richmond airport while I went to my group therapy class. Afterwards, we went to dinner with a bunch of people from my program, which was fun for two reasons: 1) Kelly was able to meet a ton of people I spend my days with, and 2) it gave everyone a good reason to wind down and hang out. That night, Surita brought a birthday cake over that she had made for him and the three of us, along with her boyfriend Chris and Helene, ate cake and hung out. Then Helene went home and the remaining four of us went to the local deli for a drink.

Friday morning started at a local elementary school where Kelly helped my intro class with a literacy project we were doing with the kids. Then we came back to my apartment, watched movies, took a nap and snacked all afternoon.

Saturday (the actual day of birth) I woke up before Kelly (not unusual) and made him a huge breakfast of eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, toast and orange juice, which I delivered to him in bed. It helped my cause immensely that he's a heavy sleeper and when I told him that I had to go do something and that I would be right back, in his sleepy state he didn't find that at all suspicious. Then we went to the Williamsburg Winery for a winery tour, a tasting of eight wines and a very delicious lunch. Afterward, we went to the shop where I last tried on wedding dresses so I could show him the dresses I had liked there. Then we came back to my apartment and took a little (much needed after all the wine) cat nap before heading out to the final surprise for the weekend - a historic ghost tour. There's a company here in the Burg that does these historic ghost tours and when I found out about it, I knew I wanted to take Kelly for his birthday. That was about two months ago. The tour covered a little about the college (since the college is literally across the street from the colonial part of town) and then we walked through part of the colonial streets. Our tour guide was the tiniest British woman who was absolutely fantastic. We decided we would like to take her home with us, we liked her so much.

So that was our weekend in a nutshell. I had such a superb time! While he was here, it was difficult to remember a time when he hadn't been here. I've noticed that about when we're together - that it just seems like we've always been together. That feeling leaves me confident for the time when our separation will terminate...for the time when we will be able to spend each night together and each day counting the mornings we've shared rather than the mornings until we have to say "Good bye." After this little visit, I feel invigorated. I feel ready to finish the semester strong, in order to pass the time quickly. I feel excited to pack and prepare to move myself back to Boise. Mostly, though, I feel ready to begin a new chapter in my life, one with Kelly by my side each and every day. I am ready to do what it takes to make that the only reality we know, and to make the reality of our separation a mere memory.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.