Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Bathroom Stuff

For anyone who doesn't know me very well, I will just let you know that I own many things that go in the bathroom...shampoos, conditioners, lotions, make-up...you name it. And I use all of it. Not all at the same time, mind you, but through time and on different days, I use all of it. Right now all my stuff is spread out because I don't have enough room in the bathroom for it. In the bathroom I have a little metal stand that is not condusive to the bottles standing erect, but rather, the little shelves make my little bottles topple over, which makes my shelves look cluttered in a way I deem unnecessary.

Here is my dream...I dream that I have a space in the bathroom that is all mine. Perhaps a cupboard above the toilet. It has solid shelves rather than shelves made of small metal bars spaced too far apart. It has doors so that my effects are shielded from on-lookers who may complain in exasperation and so that the bathroom maintains an air of tidiness. There is an area where I can place little containers to separate out my lipglosses from my eyeliners rather than keeping them in my too small make-up bag. It will even have ample room for me to place my curling irons, blow dryer and hair brushes as well as somewhere to place my jewelry.

I don't like the idea of having a vanity, but this idea absolutely makes me giddy. It is my great hope that I shall have this exquisite set-up in my lifetime.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.