Sunday, May 30, 2004

Goodbye Opportunities

I was all bummed last week when I knew that I was headed to my last Girl Scout meeting because I was not looking forward to saying goodbye to all my girls. Unfortunately, only four of 12 showed up. That was even more depressing to me than having to say goodbye to them. It is like they have fogotten about the troop or just given up on it or something. Perhaps I take that a little too personally, but it really is tough for me to think that I've given so much of my time and energy - and ultimately my heart - and they don't even show up for the last meeting.

I didn't even get to say goodbye to all the girls on my dance team. We ran into problems with our "overseer" so we took a week off and I was planning to fight for my girls and give them one last performance, something that was denied to them by middle aged women blind to current pop culture, but when I went to practice the following week, no one showed up and no one has called or emailed me, either. It's like everyone just decided that they were done at the same time, but no one told me.

I went to my last Visions meeting last week, however, and there were more girls there than there has been in a long time because they knew it was our last meeting and they wanted to say goodbye and thank me for what I had done. For the Visions troop I go to the elementary school during lunch and meet with a group of fifth grade girls. They all hugged me at least three times and begged me to come to their fifth grade graduation next week. It just felt really good to have that.

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