Thursday, November 11, 2004


Kelly came in last night. It is a darn good thing I'm perpetually early to things because I arrived at the same exact time that his plane landed...A HALF HOUR EARLY. Ah, but he's here and the fun can begin. I gave him a polaroid camera last night and he was surprised and wondering how I knew he had always wanted one. Gee, could it be that I actually listen when he talks? No...Couldn't be. So, lots of other fun stuff to do this weekend, but I can't talk about it here because who knows how or when he'll get his crafty little hands on a computer. Can't take any chances of ruining stuff. See, if I tell him and nothing is a surprise, it's just like any other day of the year. This weekend is his birthday and that means everything is going to be special.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.