Sunday, November 28, 2004


Seventeen was how old I was when I graduated high school. And how old I was when I moved out of my mom's house and to a lonely little dorm in Alamosa, CO. When I was seventeen I had my heart massively broken.

Seventeen magazine.

Seventeen is a low number for a checking account balance. Low, but still positive, which is good.

Seventeen dollars can be represented by three bills.

Seventeen years from now I will be forty, which is another decade entirely. By then, I imagine I won't be in school any more and I may even have kids. When I'm forty, my kids will not be seventeen.

Seventeen ponies dancing in a row. With poodles on their backs and braids in their manes.

Seventeen pages to the end of a book is a good feeling. It's the feeling of being almost there.

Seventeen days until I am home.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.