Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Pets Are The Devil

No, this isn't another rant about Radley chewing stuff up. It's about how my pet allergy increased my susceptibility to a cold virus so I caught a cold in record time. It's more of a pain in the ass than anything else, meaning simply that I don't really ache or have uncontrollable symptoms. Rather, I'm stuffy and I've developed a slight cough straight from my chest cavity. My spine aches, though. Whenever I get sick my spine aches.

In other news, I've decided I'm going to drop out of school. It's too much work and so much of it is work I don't really want to do. I am, however, going to continue teaching. I like that part. First, I just have to convince Boise State that my paychecks granted to me through the assistantship should not be contingent upon my student status.

And something has been bothering me lately. Around this time last year, I wrote about how I hated living in Virginia and I complained about my roommates. Well, it isn't true. I was in a bad spot and was just lashing out at something convenient. Actually, my roommates were some of my closest friends and confidants in Virginia and I came to love all three of them very much. I still think about them and wish they lived near so we could still pal around and watch Love Actually and knit and get drunk on two glasses of white wine together while talking about our myriad relationships and how they've made us who we are today.

So yes, in conclusion (that's a shout out to my students who overuse that phrase), pets are the devil. They are hairy, they shed, they scratch, they lick, they bite, they chew up your stuff, they dig in your yard, and they never watch where they're sniffing.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.