Friday, October 28, 2005

Ode To Being A Real Teacher

When I am a real teacher - instead of a teacher of one class and a student as well - it will be so wonderful.

I will have six English classes all doing relatively the same thing. That means I'll do the same thing each day rather than something new and unrelated each day.

Progress will be made when the students and I are ready to progress. Progress will not be enforced by someone else who moves at their own pace and expects me to keep up.

In the last five minutes of the day there won't be someone there saying "Oh yeah, go ahead and do this too. And turn it in tomorrow." There will be questions: "Ms. H, can you do this and bring it tomorrow?" And I will have the luxury of saying "No" without worry of failing.

I will be paid. I will be paid real money. And for once in my life, I will make more than $13,000 in one annual year.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.