Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I rode my bike home slowly today.

I enjoyed the feeling of the slight breeze mixing with the setting sun. I felt the sway of the bike with the grain of the sidewalk and the thrust of my pedals. My semester - the semester I never thought would end - is finally over, with the exception of grading, which will take all of 20 minutes and is something I find infinitely more enjoyable than writing papers or taking tests.

My computer and I will be going through a trial separation soon. It won't last long - only a couple days, I'm sure - but there will be a small separation. Lately, I have been feeling chained to it, as though it is my only friend in the world and is the only place for me to be. Except that it has been a matter of necessity rather than want...which is why we're going to have a trial separation. Our relationship has just gotten to be too much for me lately - too much to handle. There are too many obligations and expectations with my computer. I'm starting to feel like it won't allow me contact with my friends any more and like it's dictating how I spend all my time. Pretty soon it will start telling me what to wear and what not to say and will get pissy about our level of physical affection in public and I don't know if I can take all that, honestly. So for a few days, I will just steer clear, spending my time doing other things, things that don't involve my computer. I think that when we get back together again we'll have a different understanding, a new definition of the boundaries of our relationship. I have hope.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.