Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Drinking Red Bull at 3 a.m. makes me nauseous.

I don't even know if I spelled that right. Usually, when I want to say nauseated, I say nauseated because I'm unsure of the spelling of nawshus but I don't care enough to look it up.

I think that people should not own guns. I think that if people do own guns they should be kept unloaded out in the garage or on a shelf in the shed. It cracks me up when people in the country keep loaded guns under their beds so that they can protect their home if necessary. I live in the middle of the city, not far from downtown, and have never wished there was a live rifle under my bed. How many people break into homes in the country? I would venture a very, very low guess. Criminals are lazy. Why hit one house in the middle of nowhere rather than four or five apartments in one night? Besides, people in the country aren't usually rich enough to leave Granny's antique pearls lying next to their HDTV and a Rolex resting on a wad of cash. I also think that people should not own deer-and-antler hat racks.

More people should ride bikes around town. It's awesome exercise and it's way, way cheaper than visiting Chevron three times a month. We're down to filling our car about once a month. I would ride my bike to work, but I work really odd hours, making one trip inevitably in the dark on a poorly-lit, five-mile path.

Along the lines of being active, Kelly and I are keeping up with this lifestyle change to eat better and to exercise a bunch. I have lost a solid seven pounds and a couple inches all over. I'm starting to notice other women's arms and how it's rare for women to have great arms. Usually they're flabby and not toned. Mine are almost visibly tone even when I'm not flexing. I've lost my muffin top and the little dimples on the backs of my thighs are disappearing. Kelly's belly is nearly non-existent and he's increased his shoulder and arm size so much that when he went in for a tux fitting today the guy told him that they don't have anything that will correctly fit his large shoulders and small waist. It's super easy to trim down and the payoffs are amazing!

We get to go to Portland this weekend and Rex has already promised a trip to the world's best Mexican restaurant. I've been wanting to eat there for about a month now - since we started planning for the trip.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.