Monday, March 27, 2006

Spring break is finally here!

I'm officially in the middle of spring break and it is nice. I have a list of things I want to accomplish in the next few days, but it's just nice to know that I don't have to turn anything in or make a time committment (class) for another week. Last night, Kelly and I sat up far too late watching movies and neither of us felt bad about it at all. Rather, we enjoyed the relaxation.

LA was a good time. We spent a bunch of time in the car, but when we were out of the car we were walking on Hollywood Boulevard (where I purchased a really cool Gucci rip-off purse), catching the end of the LA marathon (which was touching), and eating yummy food. I had been hoping for dramatically better weather than we've had recently in Boise, but there was only about a four degree difference. Plus it was overcast and rainy for much of our time there. Weather aside, though, it was great to hang out with old friends and to make new ones. It really reinforces my belief that all my friends who are scattered across the nation should move to Boise.

I get to work at the shelter this week. This really is the coolest working environment ever. We have some kids right now who are BIG into drama. It's sort of cooling off now as we rotate kids, but for a while the drama was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Now we just have a bunch of boys, all of whom think they're the bomb diggity. It cracks me up to hear a bunch of 15-year-old boys talking about the best way to have sex because I know for a fact that because they're boys and because they're 15, they know NOTHING about sex. It's just funny.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.