Thursday, April 21, 2005

He Did It Again

So I've completely lost count in this whole dog pen issue. Stuff has been happening so quickly that I can't write about it fast enough. Basically it boils down to the fact that Kelly was certain Radley's pen was akin to Alcatraz. Until yesterday, that is, when the pooch met me at the back door again when he was supposed to be on an island off the coast of California. He chewed through the wooden lattice holding him captive. Kelly's next step is to replace all the wooden lattice with plastic. This dog is a master.

Evidently, some elephants escaped from a Soeul, Korea zoo. I imagine they wreaked a little havoc here and there. My proposal is this: We should hire out our dog to test pens for holding other animals, inmates...things like that. If he can't get out in a week's time, it's gold. Otherwise, they pay us twice. We could get rich quick off this scheme!

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