Wednesday, July 21, 2004


I have been knitting a lot lately. It is a recently acquired hobby. I made P teach me how to in April when we were on our way to Jackpot for what turned out to be a lesson to A that she not only hates gambling but is horrible at the game. That weekend, I knitted (knit?) K a blue scarf. I was nervous about giving it to him because I'd only known him for about three weeks so I wasn't sure how he was going to respond, but he responded appropriately enough to throw my budding interest into a passion. And by responding appropriately, what I mean is that he gushed. A lot. And showed it to everyone. And gushed some more. And encouraged them to gush.

So now I knit a lot. He bought me a book ("He" being K) about knitting that I've been reading all summer. In fact, I had originally planned to read many things this summer, but instead all I have done is read this knitting book and knit. It is called Stitch 'N Bitch and I highly recommend it because it starts from scratch and works you all the way up to knitting ornate sweaters and hats. Plus, it is easy and fun(ny) to read.

So anyway, I've made two pink scarves, two green scarves, two purple scarves, a camouflage scarf and a Spiderman scarf in addition to K's blue scarf. Here shortly I plan to attempt other things like hats and baby blankets before I focus my energies on a sweater, which I don't think will be very far off in my future. If you would like a scarf (of which I am a pro) or some other knitted item, please either place your order somewhere on this blog or email me, alerting me to the item you desire and the color in which you desire it. If you're planning to request something like a leisure suit or pilot's goggles, however, I ask that you have patience as I learn how to finagle something in that direction (you know, like pattern-wise and stuff).

Also, if you want to get started with knitting, I'll be in Boise for the next month and can teach you. Or you could just buy the book I recommend. Or you could go to some of the many cool knitting websites and blogs I found. I like this one to begin with; and then you can look at some of her links.

Happy knitting to you!

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.