Saturday, August 26, 2006


Thanks to my wonderful, amazing and loving husband, I had the best surprise birthday party of my whole life last night - a luau theme with tons of friends and my crazy family. My brothers and my neice shot everyone with marshmallow guns (I just finished cleaning the remaining marshmallow residue off my hardwood floors) and the boys wrestled with all Kelly's fraternity brothers. Denisha stole drinks from people when they weren't paying attention, but my mom said she didn't appear to have a hangover this morning. I found out that a great number of people have been hiding party plans from me and lying to me for a couple weeks. I like that they would go to those lengths for me; it makes me feel loved. Thanks also to Vince who worked for me last night. Evidently he knew why he was working for me, but never let on either.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.