Wednesday, September 01, 2004


I have made some decisions lately. Allow me to fill you in...

* It is a bad idea to play with my nose ring to the point of it coming out. Putting it back in is neither fun nor easy.

* Stargazer lillies, even though they are amazingly beautiful, smell like poison.

* This is the right school and program for me.

* I don't just miss a few select people at home, I miss EVERYONE. If you think, "Yeah, she knew me, but there's no way she misses me," you're wrong. I do.

* Sleeping on a twin bed isn't all it's cracked up to be.

* Knitting is a much better distraction from schoolwork than online puzzle games, if only because it is more productive.

* Running really can be a good time.

* People in Williamsburg have incorrectly labeled Williamsburg a "college town" as it has no bars and/or tattoo/body piercing locations.

* I have severe feelings of dislike for my desk chair.

* Even people who at first seem quite exciting can turn out to be severely mild mannered and much too naive to notice.

* Lisa Loeb is the greatest singer/songwriter ever.

* Peanut butter and banana milkshakes are the best kind of milkshakes, as well as being good for breakfast occasionally.

* I won't die if I do not eat meat.

* I love how cell phone companies offer free night and weekend minutes because then I can time it right and talk to the people I love and miss all I want.

* Humidity is bad.

* Sharing is good.

* I love when people make comments on my blog so that I know they're reading it.

* Mail, email, phone calls and text messages all make me very happy as well. Basically, any sort of contact with people is great - especially when those people are far away and are contacting me to let me know they still remember me.

* Some people in Colonial Williamsburg take their job as a historical representative far too seriously.

* I need to end my list so that I can do some school work.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.