Monday, August 11, 2008

Radley's Obsession

Friday, a woman Kelly works with brought some zucchini in to the office to share because she had received an abundance from her garden. When Kelly came home, he sat them on the coffee table.

Friday evening, we were enjoying each other's company in the comfort of our living room when Radley started acting strangely. We can set any number of things on the coffee table - within easy reach of our pups' noses - steak, sausage, hotdogs, and other things that encourage lesser pups to disobediently snag said items from the table. Friday evening, Radley was trying to do just that - only without the temptation of smelly, meaty foods. All that was up there was said zucchini.

Kelly picked up one of the large, green vegetables and held it toward Radley's face so he could smell it and see how silly and confused he was acting - disobediently trying to climb onto the table and all. Rather than sniffing it and walking away dejected as anticipated, however, Radley lunged at the zucchini, aiming to make it his snack.

We were surprised at this, to say the least. We laughed and decided to cut a piece off for our crazed pup...which drove him mad. He couldn't wait to get a piece of that zucchini in his mouth! He was dancing all over, doing every trick he knows, trying to impress us into giving him more and more zucchini! We thought he was just hungry, so after feeding him (and Lucy, who, usually our fruit-and-vegetable-lover, was only mildly impressed) a couple of zucchini rounds, so we gave each pup a fresh cup of dog food. Nay! said the ravenous Radley. He only wanted zucchini. We had to put both the zucchini up on the kitchen counter and distract him from pacing the kitchen floor. I honestly think he was depressed we wouldn't just give him the whole thing.

The next day I tried tempting him with the succulent squash once again, thinking that perhaps Friday night was just a fluke. Nope. He did the same song-and-dance numer again on Saturday, almost more excited than Friday at the possibility of having more delicious zucchini. I've never seen him like this before, even for aforementioned smelly meats and definitely never for vegetables. Now that he has the taste for zucchini, I think I should warn all my neighbors to carefully guard their gardens and to put up electrical fencing around their zucchini patches, lest my dog devour all unprotected zucchini under the cloak of night.

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