Saturday, January 27, 2007


I think that to my list of seasonal and pet allergies I can safely add a third. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to all activities involving the computer, a pen or a pencil. K thinks this may increase my difficulties in becoming a teacher. I think he's right. Already, this allergy is taking its toll on my health and well-being. For instance, I have had an off-and-on headache for about a week now. Today, when I have spent more time than on previous days in front of the computer, the headache seems more resilient. Another symptom of this allergy is insomnia. I have had such a difficult time sleeping this week that making it from day to day is becoming increasingly difficult. I used to experience insomnia when I was a teenager - perhaps the allergy laid dormant for a few years and is just now resurfacing - so I'm sure that's what this is that wakes me up at 3 a.m. and keeps me awake for hours, unable to fall back to slumber.

I wonder if they make medication that would help curb the effects of this allergy. In fact, I wonder if doctors have even diagnosed the problem yet. I could be the first in a series of cases. They could name something after me - perhaps the affliction or the resulting medication. I could go on tour with pharmaceutical companies and write a self-help book and provide inspiration for people all over the globe who also suffer from this allergy. I could save the universe!

Perhaps that's my calling, then. Perhaps I'm not meant to finish school, but rather to give speeches at conferences held in cheap hotels where they will give me gifts like crystal clocks and wooden carvings of young children healed by my word.

Thank goodness for allergies.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.