Friday, February 08, 2008


I did this once with "is," but it's also funny this way. Go to google and put in quotation marks your name plus needs. For instance, when I googled "Angela needs," I came up with...

Angela needs a family who will access and work with a therapist.
Angela needs a parent who uses humor and non-threatening approaches to discipline.
Angela needs a psychiatric evaluation. Angela needs help. Angela needs to take her father off the pedestal. Oh so true.
Angela needs to constantly "feel" the presence of God.
Angela needs help!
Angela needs her space.
Angela needs to take those 18-hour days she spends working on her Web site and devote that time to improving the quality of her clothes.

And when I put in "Kelly needs"...

Kelly needs patience right now.
This tells me that Kelly needs to feel important to someone.
Kelly needs a quivering antenna.
Kelly needs to learn about patience.
Kelly needs modesty.
Kelly needs to prepare and think about a hundred things.
Kelly Needs to Be In My Life, Always.
Kelly needs to "Double Up" on lawyers.

What do you need?

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.