Monday, December 12, 2005

Funny Gym Guy

Last week when Kelly and I went to the gym there was a guy lifting weights in the same area as us. Well, he was sort of lifting weights. Mostly, he was looking at himself in the mirror. He looked at himself for about five minutes then do a set. Then he looked at himself for another five minutes and do another set. I think he probably got in ten minutes worth of lifting in a half hour. He would move his tee shirt to get a better view of his biceps or turn and look at his calves. He was a normal-looking guy - not bulky or ripped or anything like that. And he didn't have a bunch of saggy skin as though he just lost 300 pounds and should be super proud of his physique. But we just made note of the fact that he was looking at himself an awful lot and went on with our workout.

Just before we left, Mirror Guy sat down at the chest press. I was sitting behind him on the other side of the room so I had a perfect vantage point for this activity through his favorite object in the room: the mirror. He placed his hands on the handles, braced himself and pushed hard. He squinted up his face, his face turned red, and the veins in his neck and forhead bulged a little. He was pressing his chest. Except that nothing happened. He held the squinty pose, grunting with the lifting motion, for about five seconds. Then he released. The weights had gone no where. He looked over at the stack and bent down to the bottom of the stack where the pin was. He picked up the pin from the bottom of the stack and replaced it somewhere in the middle. Then he did one set before standing up and looking at himself in the mirror again.

It was all I could do not to giggle out loud.

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I'm realizing more and more that actual age is relative.