Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just more evidence that Sarah Palin sucks...

Last night, your favorite lame-ass VP candidate and mine, Sarah Palin, was on Saturday Night Live. Here was her chance to do something cool, to speak up and have personality, to make people who despise her and what she stands for think that she's not so bad after all. And how did it go? Well, to put it simply, she merely verified what a big pile of poo I thought she was anyway. Given the chance to be fun and do something creative, she chose instead to stand there and let the SNL cast make fun of her to her face, with the only nice thing said to/about her all night being - from a cameo, mind you, and not even from a usual cast member - "You're hotter in person." No, he didn't say "Hey, you're not as dumb as I thought you were," or even "Wow! You're funny." He commented on the former-beauty queen's hotness. (For a basic run-down of the evening's scenes with SP, click here.)

The best part of the whole night, though, was the rap by Amy Poehler. I only hope I can be that cool when I'm that pregnant! She became a little bit of a hero to me last night.

I saw a clip on FOX News (of all places) that the rap had been written for SP, but she didn't want to do it...the cast liked it, though, so they kept it and gave it to Amy the Gem. Incidentally, the people at FOX News (the link didn't wouldn't embed: liked Amy Poehler better than Sarah Palin last night, too. Huh.

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